A Christian Reflection on the Midterm Elections

The only reason a Christian should read the New York Times, watch CNN, or listen to the White House Press Room is to learn what the adversary is planning. To know your enemy is a tactic expounded on in Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and you can be certain of this: We are at war.

It astounds and confounds me to watch fellow Christians disagree, argue, and divide over political topics and cultural events that should be crystal clear to those imbued with wisdom, knowledge, and discernment from On High.

Tzu may have given us an effective tactic of war but Jesus gives us the immutable principles of eternity:

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom can not stand.

~ Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

Christians are divisively sparring over matters that our enemy is immovably unified about. The sinister brilliance of the deception is: Our enemy doesn’t read the New York Times; he writes it.

When believers abandon their kneelers to absorb the output of the regime’s machinery, their predictable behavior is to parrot what they’ve been relentlessly trained to think — And there is nothing transcendent about parrots.

I have endured uncountable debates with followers of Christ who chant back to me the carefully crafted messaging of the media apparatus. And in most cases, as soon as I deduce one or two of their positions, I can confidently conclude their stance on the rest.

Dr. Jordan Peterson found himself in a contentious interview with Helen Lewis for a piece in GQ Magazine. Peterson deftly pierced Lewis’ mechanized ideology with superior acumen:

I’m not hearing what you think. I’m hearing you represent the ideology of what you were taught. And it’s not that interesting because I don’t learn anything about you. I can easily replace you with someone else who thinks the same way which means — you’re not here.

~ Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Similarly, too many Christians have become puppets of Meet the Press when the country needs prophets of Christ the Lord. Instead of animating the revelations of heaven as we’ve been designed to do, believers discipled by media bluster the shallows of imbecility.

If virtue-signaling believers had cast their vote in 2020 instead of folding their arms in protest, the world might be in a drastically different place today. Nations would not be scavenging for energy, goods and services would be moving freely, and Ukraine would not have been invaded.

Elections have consequences.

As we approach the 2022 midterm elections, the adversary’s machinery is pegging the dials in hopes of drowning out your auditory acuity. But for God’s sake, don’t put cotton in your ears. Instead, go to your prayer closet, open your soul, and travail on your knees until you hear the unmistakable sound of His Voice.

Christian Nationalism: Insult or Compliment?

Trust me on this: Heaven is not worried about Christian nationalism. First of all, can you even provide a codified definition of what the term means? Probably not, because when a term is droningly used by the enemy as a derogatory slur, adherents would rather screech it than teach it.

Listen carefully. [The opponents of Christian Nationalism] say they are opposed to people who say America was founded as a Christian nation, Americans who believe not only in the spiritual heritage of our nation, but believe that we ought to use elections to help return our country to its Christian foundation.

If that’s Christian nationalism, count me in. 

~Pastor Robert Jeffress

When Jesus prayed; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, He handed us an invitation to pull upon heaven until restoration completes its work and transforms the world.

Our adversary has caused countless Christians to retract from public discourse for fear of being accused of commingling faith with politics. But these believers neuter their faith and relinquish the power of the promise.

And what’s so hypocritical about this is … the left don’t mind at all imposing their values on our country through the election process. They don’t mind forcing their pro-abortion, pro-transgender, pro-open borders policy upon our nation.

~ Pastor Robert Jeffress

Any notion of a separation of church and state, which is not found in the Constitution, was never meant to keep Christianity out of government. The Establishment Clause in the First Amendment enshrines the opposite provision: Keep government out of the church.

If Christians would wake up and realize — we hold the winning hand.

If you hear someone use the term ‘Christian Nationalism’ loosely and sloppily, you might try this as a comeback. “Oh, so do you prefer Pagan Tribalism? Or Atheist Globalism?

~Author, John Zmirak

Why can’t Christians love their country?  History proves the alternative options end in hellish catastrophe.  It is perplexing why so many resist gratefulness for being an American.

Democracy is On the Ballot?

On cue as the election approaches, every Democratic operative is fomenting voter fear with; Democracy is on the ballot. Really?

There is a reason behind America’s miraculous formation and propagation of freedom: God. So as the secular humanists and Darwinian materialists promise they are planting Eden in a garden near you, they hope you don’t realize that their brand of garden bears more serpents than trees.

For decades, repugnant universities have systematically regurgitated generations of graduates who hold disdain for our Constitution, disgust for capitalism, and loathing for our Founding Fathers. What these progressive professors abhorrently conceal is that the American formulary is the single most salient system ever established to stave off and remedy the ails of godless civilization.

This is precisely why the atheist globalists need a weakened, secularized America before they can fulfill their infernal mission. Democracy is not on the ballot. Davos is.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is no conspiracy theory and it certainly isn’t alt-right — It’s more like an Alt-Ctrl-Del to human civilization.

The maniacal leader of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, has written several books outlining his desire to usher the world into a Great Reset. At this crucial point in human history, every person should read every word that comes out of the WEF. Don’t believe me, believe their own words, philosophies, and goals.

The WEF brags about how they strategically infiltrate governmental cabinets across the globe and train leaders to implement and spread their demonized dystopia.  The most powerful people on our planet are carrying out Schwab’s dark wishes in broad daylight.

We have been lied to about climate catastrophe for decades. Not one ominous prediction has come to pass, yet we continue to bow before the globalist oligarchs.  Behold — The WEF used SARS-CoV-2 to emboss their script on climate initiatives, geopolitics, food management, and population control. Their diabolical plan has only two formidable foes: America and God.


When we cast our vote, it should echo the value of heaven. Our posture should be; In America, as it is in Heaven.

It is abundantly clear the Republican Party as it stands today can not save us.  But it is also abundantly clear that a Spirit-filled Christian can no longer vote for the Democratic platform.

If your completed ballot would garner cheers by the New York Times and CNN, consider if heaven would agree.

The left decimates everything it touches and by design, leftism’s hellish aim is to ruin faith, family, and prosperity.  Our primary political enemy is not occupying the White House. Our primary political enemy is choreographing the destructive dance of demons in Davos.

What does any of this have to do with election day?  To cast a vote for an abortion activist is to wage offense at the Creator of Life.  To cast a vote for an ally of transitioning adolescents under the butcher’s guise of gender-affirming care is to be rewarded with a necklace of millstones.

And to cast a vote for a disciple of WEF globalism is to cast a vote for a cataclysm not yet imagined upon the earth. Every tenet the left purports finds its roots in Davos.

How Would Jesus Vote? My first sense is:  You would find Him at His voting precinct on election day. On His way in, He might lay his hand on a pregnant mother’s stomach and bless the infant — by name.

He might then recite Genesis chapter one and remind us that He not only created the planetary systems, but sustains and maintains the fine-tuning necessary to produce abundant life.

Our natural resources are a gift that God deems good.

I see Him embrace a tormented, confused young boy and say; you will be a powerful man when you grow up.  Then I see Him touch a poll worker who leaps from their wheelchair! Suddenly, in the glory of it all, those manning the machines run panicked out of the building.

Where are your cheaters now? Go, and sin no more.

And as He enters the booth, he tearfully declares:

The poor you will always have with you.  Not because it is My desire, but because you continue to permit evil people to commit atrocities against My brothers and sisters.

Before you vote, quiet your thoughts, expand your soul, and set your affections in heaven.  Adonai loves to be heard.

When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.

~ Proverbs 29

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ


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