A Cultural Genocide

One of my favorite things to do as a kid was making waves in any friend’s above-ground pool. We would first mark the water level on the vinyl liner and then get to work emptying as much water as possible. The most effective way to churn up rough seas was to get on all fours atop an inflated tire tube and violently rock fore and aft. As the emerging meringue-like peaks converged in a violent, frothy rage, countless gallons were spewed onto the lawn below.

The more grass we killed, the better the Toasted Almond tasted when the Good Humor Man arrived.

But what we created in those flimsy, aluminum pools weren’t really waves. Waves denote tide, current, direction, and flow. We can see where they come from and watch where they go. But in a pool or landlocked body of water, such as a lake, these randomized oscillations would best be described as seiches.

As we look back through the various arcs of history, we can readily decipher that noble civilizations were established on predictable, forward-moving sets of truth-filled waves — only to eventually be destroyed by the scandalous skirmishes of chaotic seiches.

Despite what neo-historians like Nicole Hannah Jones assert you should believe, the tidal flows that founded America are nothing short of miraculous. Presentism is a sickening seiche that demands you to judge history’s events by the standard of today’s understanding, advancement, and practice.

The ancients were idiots. They rubbed sticks together to make fire. THEY SHOULD HAVE USED LIGHTERS LIKE US!

You get the point.

In scripture, water is a centerpiece at our banquet of faith. It represents cleansing, deliverance, healing, and life.  The waters beautifully bookend the Bible, making their appearance first in the creation story of Genesis:

In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without shape and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the watery deep [chaos], but the Spirit of Elohim was moving over the surface of the water.

~ Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 2

Seiches present to us the natural state of creation. Apart from the presence of Elohim, creation is dank, disorganized, meaningless, and chaotic. But scripture reveals an eternal reality: As the Spirit of God draws near, life, order, fullness, and purpose miraculously emerge.

Lifeless chaos and jumbled disorder have no choice but to submit to The Master’s eternal plan as revealed in the second bookend — which will become a new beginning:

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life - water as clear as crystal - pouring out from the throne of God and of the Lamb, flowing down the middle of the city’s main street. On each side of the river is the tree of life . . . Its leaves are for the healing of the nations.

~ Revelation Chapter 22, Verse 1, 2

To read Genesis’ creation account is to behold the breathtaking sets of the waves of God’s voice as He established life and ordered our garden. And to know how the story ends in Revelation instills within us everything needed to resist disruption and thrive in hope.

Catastrophically, the serpent’s seiches serve to deceive Elohim’s image bearers to believe chaos is preferred to a well-ordered life. How quickly an empty promise becomes a looming tomb.

God Shed His Grace on Thee

It is historically accurate and demonstrably true that the founding formularies of this nation were shaped by scripture, faith, and reverence for God. I quickly tire of the dim, screeching argument that our founders were either Deists or Masons and therefore were somehow not informed or inspired by Judeo-Christian beliefs.

In researching the collective political literature from the days of America’s founding, the Bible is cited more frequently than any Enlightenment philosopher or European writer. Specifically, the most quoted work our nation-shapers referenced was: The Book of Deuteronomy.

One reason for this is; the Founding Fathers knew their Bible. The second reason is; they wanted to speak with an ethos the common person would understand. Meaning, the populace knew their Bible too.

Therefore, you would do well to refuse the turbulent seiches of the anti-biblical revisionists who rock their tire tubes demanding you reject America’s formularies, jettison the Bible, and permit them to flood your lawn and destroy the garden of your soul.

A nation’s aim should be to note the water level, diligently guard that mark, and continually work to lift that line higher. Catastrophically, we are witnessing the rapid depletion of living water from America’s pool as the seiche warriors plunge their pernicious gyrations deeper and deeper into the heart of our culture.


I am disgusted by the recently hatched and devilishly deceptive label, trans genocide. As if the barbaric butchery of our languishing lexicon hasn’t already rendered sufficient havoc, this phrase jumps the shark.

I have stood in Rwanda’s Genocide Memorials. I saw the bones, smelled the smells, and heard the survivor stories. To equate trans suicide rates with one million Tutsis slaughtered by fellow villagers wielding primitive machetes is to intentionally negate all agreement on what words mean anymore.

Using the classroom to confuse and traumatize minors about their sexual identity and gender is not a wave of benevolence breeding health and wellness in our next generation. It is a demolition derby of hyper-sexualization, sterilization, and permanent mutilation for which our children will never forgive us. Future historians will deal harshly with us for this — as they should.

As we endure seiche after Satanic seiche crafted to disrupt and dismantle our societal norms, we can not help but see and feel this relentless onslaught is akin to a genocide of a different rank, but no less murderous:

We are under siege of a cultural genocide.

Stop to consider the barrage of seiches that have drained our cultural wells these past few years. They came out of nowhere and are headed nowhere good:

Vaccine mandates, draconian lockdowns, BLM Inc. riots, trans madness, Antifa violence, derelict elections, defund police, FBI raids on political adversaries, a foreign proxy war, drag queen story hour, climate tyranny, and ESG.

The catch and release of violent criminals, relinquishment of sovereignty to global governance, manipulated currency, faux white supremacy, cultural Marxism, arresting coaches who pray, cheering men who dominate women’s sports, suing Pastors who exercise religious freedom, and the list of lies goes on.

Waves of Wisdom

The hypnotized masses silently acquiesce to this madness while oceans of living water are being flushed from our country. In the blink of an eye, we could soon find ourselves standing on the steaming heap of a composting nation.

I spoke with my elderly parents this evening and they were disbelievingly confounded why no one is trying to stop the obvious madness. I reminded them; before the madness can be stopped, it must be perceived. And the perception of madness requires wisdom.

Question: Where do lies get their power? Answer: From the idiocy of the deceived.

But how do lies lose their power? When the deceived become wise.

~ Taken from an advertisement for New Saint Andrews College

And how do the deceived become wise? It is not from hearty debate, the changing of minds, or switching parties. It comes simply by asking:

That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, ‘Ask for whatever you want me to give you.’ Solomon answered God, ‘Give me wisdom and discernment so I can effectively lead this nation.’

~ The Second Book of Chronicles, Chapter 1

O, that we had leaders who would relinquish their own benefits, lift their eyes to heaven, and plead to Adonai for wisdom! Because in the chaos of the frothy peaks, we are watching the decimation of every good and noble thing that once united our country and raised our collective level of excellence.

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — anything excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.

~ The Apostle Paul to the Philippians

Today, those who dare to genuinely pursue such things are being met with vehement opposition and fierce assault. The compassionate zealots of the temple of tolerance are neither tolerant of dissenting beliefs nor compassionate toward alternative views. These militant crusaders hoist their ideological machetes and viciously hack down anything that threatens their infantile muscles.

The work of the kingdom of darkness is to maniacally thrash about in order to steal, kill, and destroy.

The work of the Kingdom of God is to calm the storm, shine light in the darkness, and actively participate in the reconciliation of all things. Nothing is more eternally inclusive than this.

May we all humbly posture ourselves before Our God and contend for the supreme gift of wisdom. May we walk in confidence that the Living Water Jesus spoke of can never be diminished, wasted, or depleted. And may we rest in the assurance that the eternal waters will continue to rise until they birth the healing of the nations.

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ


Three Blind Mice


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