Arise and Shine!

Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil things about you falsely on account of me.

~ Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel

TheWine Patch celebrates its second anniversary! While surely my influencing pales in comparison to scantily-clothed, million-viewed junior high TikTok’ers, the two-hundred-thousand-plus views I have received to date leave me beaming with gratitude.

I have dared to accomplish some audacious goals through the course of my adult life including: Stand up comedy, high altitude mountaineering, Ironman racing, countless marathons, bicycle racing, church planting, and starting my own business.

I could also mention a few equally audacious goals from my childhood that include dispatching the fire department to our neighborhood four different times. One of those emergency excursions was a two-alarm blaze at my own home.

While demonstrating to my friends what it might be like to be a fireman, I may or may not have accidentally set the back half of our house on fire. But these are goals for another blog.

When my business dried up in January 2021 and I began collecting unemployment for the first time in my life, I was compelled to journal a bit more than I ever had before. SARS-COV-2, lockdowns, election abnormalities, untested vaccines, trans in the classroom, and BLM protests beckoned me to thoughtfully examine and investigate the health of our culture; and the church.

When a pastor hijacked a packed prayer meeting with an anti-racist harangue replete with a collectivized apology on behalf of all those who were white, I knew the church was in grave danger and activism had won the inning.

Behold the genesis of my next audacious goal: Set up a website and dare to write about things I believed were true.

From my very first post after that meeting:

Jesus spoke of three types of leaven: The leaven of the Pharisees, the leaven of Herod, and the leaven of the Kingdom. Jesus very clearly said we need to "Beware" and “Watch out” for the first two; the religious system and the political system. Both are systems of the world that are potentially catastrophic (Think crusades and gulags).

The leaven of the Kingdom is entirely different. So different, it doesn't come from this world. It is a heavenly system that, when rightfully applied even in the tiniest of doses, works its way through the culture and transforms every system and everyone it touches.

These are extremely trying times and my concern is that I am watching the church, knowingly or unknowingly, open wide her doors to the political spirit in an attempt to accommodate what she sees happening in social media, the press, and politics.

As towers of lies are being rapidly erected across our cultural landscape, the church is parroting back the political system instead of releasing the truth and power of the Kingdom into the culture. We need to reverse the flow.

As I read what the younger me wrote, I am emboldened by the wisdom contained in this quote. Little did I know that such an expression of careful thought would result in an onslaught of insults, the loss of friends, and the hollowed silence of those afraid to admit they agree.

Rejoice and be glad because your reward is great in heaven, for they persecuted the prophets before you in the same way.

~ Jesus, Completing his thought from above

I may not be a prophet, but I was certainly persecuted as a racist, labeled every phobic flavor, and defamed as the worst brand of conspiracist imaginable. Retributively, one friend boasted that I deserved unemployment for the thoughts I dared to write about. Imagine that.

At the time, I believed rational argument and hearty debate were still worthy pursuits to be conducted between rational, clear-thinking humans. So, I did my best to respectfully engage with the onslaught.

Alas, I painfully learned that when only one party is hungry for truth, the ensuing dialogue only cues the screeching of demons.

I have never blocked or dropped a single person but thankfully social media provides ample tools to reveal those who dumped me. The list is disquieting as each of these bruised, offended warriors once loved me because they knew I loved them.

My love hasn’t changed.

But in today’s digital simulation, the actions of a person no longer matter. The mere expression of thought is tantamount to a traumatizing, unforgivable offense that erases years of friendship, detonates deep division in families, and is reckoned as unbridled violence. Particularly if that rogue thought makes its way to a blog that is non-compulsory for anyone to read.

Happy anniversary to me.

But what shall we say if my thoughts survive the passage of time and are proven to be true?

As I re-read my early essays, I give myself style points for taking on just about every topic the machinery begs we relegate as verboten. Kendi’s anti-racism, DiAngelo’s white fragility, government censorship, the sham of social justice, transgenderism and pornography in our classrooms, the origin of SARS-COV-2, the dead baby vaccine, election anomalies, feticide, rampant crime, systemic infidelity, queer theory, progressive Christianity, January 6th, and the caber flip of Roe vs. Wade to name a few.

Not only do I stand behind every piece I have written, but the passage of time continues to refine and crystalize these musings to be undeniably true.

Lies have a horrible shelf life.

My dear friend, Eric Metaxas, had his entire YouTube channel and corresponding revenue stream wiped clean by the regime after his guest, Dr. Naomi Wolf, reported that the Pfizer vaccines were known to alter the menstrual cycles of women. And when I say women, brace yourself: I mean biological females who carry half of the Imago Dei in their reproductive eggs, XX chromosomes in every cell in their body, and are factory equipped with fallopian tubes and menses.

When collegiate swimmer Lea Thomas can drop a fertilized egg onto the wall of his uterus, I might consider recognizing his NCAA records and medals. Until then, race with the men and stay out of the women’s locker room, you fetishized freak.

Thanks to the visionary work of my friend James O’Keefe, we not only have a Pfizer executive corroborating Naomi’s research, the FOIA’d Pfizer trial documents undeniably substantiate each claim. Elon, can you please purchase YouTube next and free all these prisoners like Metaxas from their cells?

Lies have a horrible shelf life.

The Wine Patch is far from a political endeavor. If the reader intentionally lingers and postures their heart toward The Lord, they might find that my harsh criticism of lies and deception is not approximate to the condemnation of individuals within that movement.

I purposefully mention the screeching of demons because when I dared to uncover hell’s Bermuda Triangle within public education, I was met with a heightened opposition and fury never before experienced. This is when I began to learn that those who screech loudest in defense of grooming children bear a compunction that belies their own torment.

Can you hear the muffled cries of our tender, young children as they ask us who we believe they are?

To those for whom innocent children remind you of the pain and trauma of your broken childhood, the answer is a selfishly retributive, “You will suffer because I suffered.”

~Taken from Who Do You Say I Am?

The Leftist triumvirate of Critical Race Theory (CRT), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and Comprehensive Sexual Learning (CSL) has taken over our schools as swiftly as Environmental Social Governance (ESG) has infected our banking systems. The sinister dialectics behind these catastrophic acronyms have not only made life in America demonstrably worse, you never even had a chance to vote for any of it.

When I posted images from the pages of the adolescent pornographic book Gender Queer, I endured a coordinated attack from CSL adherents who not only denied this book is available in sixth-grade libraries, but that I was a lying fiend for even proposing such a thing.

Today, you can find sixth-grade students and parents on YouTube reading pages from this deviant book before their school boards, only to have their microphones cut because the language and images are so horribly inappropriate.

The passage of time has not been good for Black Lives Matter Inc. nor the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Thanks to the release of the vaccine trial documents, the Twitter files, and the Jan. 6 video footage, the same passage of time has been far worse for Pfizer and our government.

Progressive pundits and leftist keyboard jockeys tirelessly hoist the term fascist over those who resist their ideologies:

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

~ Inigo Montoya

The engine room of Fascism is carefully crafted public-private partnerships. Communism takes everything but Fascism gives the illusion of freedom while tightly controlling private entities. Now that we see how our government actively directs Big Tech, Big Pharma, our banking system, the press, and social media — Mussolini would be very proud.

This is pure evil and subverts the foundational formularies of this great nation. And this is why we fight.

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

Bad theology, shaky eschatology, or even fear causes many believers to wrongly contend we should not fight against deception and corruption in our culture. The obvious weakness of that approach is the war is raging on regardless, so to relinquish authority or retreat only permits the enemy to advance.

For the hidden power of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is taken out of the way.

~ Paul in the Second Letter to the Church in Thessalonica

Without question, we are called, obligated, and equipped to restrain evil. But also notice the power of lawlessness Paul is describing is hidden. The battle we fight is not against friend and foe. Our battle is in the hidden realms against the spiritual forces of evil in the unseen places. And this brand of warfare requires spiritual weapons including: Truth, light, and love.

The Wine Patch is my small way to get on the field, release my voice, and bring the light of the Kingdom into dark places. With revival breaking out across our land and the darkest corners of hell on earth being exposed, let’s raise a glass to the King! Arise and shine for your Light has come! Here’s to a pivotal 2023.

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ

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