Globalism is Dependent Upon Climate Deception

Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.

~Thomas Sowell

As the United Nations nears three decades of holding its annual Climate Change Conference, Sowell’s always-keen, prophetic insight rings truer than ever. The climate-alarmist oligarchs once again bellowed their hollowed-out figments to save the planet with delusions so grand, it’s impossible to take them seriously.

The problem is, it doesn’t matter what we think — these planetary politicians are entirely serious.

November’s gathering in Egypt was the 27th meeting of what the UN calls, The Conference of the Parties (COP27). If only a wind turbine farm had been set up outside the conference. The cyclonic bloviating of these global blowhards generated enough wind to power a small Egyptian town.

This year's swarm of Luciferian locusts gathered for two weeks in Sharm el-Sheikh on the Sinai Peninsula to once again wrench world leaders into a financial full-nelson. And don’t miss the blasphemy of the set design of this preposterous ceremony — it was held in the same region where Moses beheld the burning bush and received the tablets of law from Adonai.

Al Gore and John Kerry were seen frantically melting down Rolex watches and wedding bands to fashion a golden calf. As the calf was cooling, a gaggle of Christian, Muslim, and pagan leaders feigned unity and presented to the world their “Ten Commandments” of earthen climate worship.

The golden calf eerily resembled a smirking Klaus Schwab holding the world in his palm.

When 27 years of time and money have been wasted on atmospheric aspirations, it’s best not to append the counter with the conference name as it only reminds us of the number of failures.

Climate policymakers tinker at the margins offering deceptive solutions and moral grandstanding. Only 17 of the 157 countries that pledged emission cuts in the Paris Agreement passed laws mandating the required actions. However, even if all 157 agreed to accomplish everything promised, that constitutes less than 1% of what is necessary to impact temperature changes.

~ Bjorn Lomborg, President of the Copenhagen Consensus

If you tuned-in to COP27 to hear scientists, climatologists, and astrophysicists present robust, comprehensively unbiased data proven to be reliable by the scientific method, think again. Most speakers predominately delivered the same version of the regime’s edict: Bully and bludgeon all nonconformists into compliance.

Predictably, this climate conference’s overriding theme was less about warming temperatures and more about cold hard cash.

The [climate] problem goes much deeper than that. It requires a complete reform of the world bank system so we can refocus the world bank on the climate crisis, on pandemic preparedness, and on the challenges people face. The solution to this problem will not take billions; it will take trillions. Every year.

~ Al Gore

The only people to be trusted less on the topic of climate than Al Gore are those who hand him a microphone.

Then the elderly man pretending to be President, sounding as if he had a pair of unmatched socks stuffed under his tongue, bragged about rejoining the Paris Agreement and making good on his promises made at last year's conference in Glasgow, COP26:

This summer, the United States Congress passed and I signed the law my proposal for the biggest, most important climate bill in the history of our country; The Inflation Reduction Act.

My friends, I came to the presidency determined to be a trent to make the transformer transformational changes that are needed that America needs to make.

~ Joe Biden, Grammatical Errors Unedited

Were you aware that The Inflation Reduction Act was promised to the world a year earlier at COP26? 368 billion newly printed dollars were allocated to;

Support clean electric clean electric electricity everything from onshore offshore wind to distributed solar zero-emissions vehicles.

(Unmatched Socks, ibid.)

This is precisely why our swamp creatures should never pass a bill to see what’s in it.

In a November 4 article in The Telegraph, Bjorn Lomborg and Dr. Jordan Peterson authored a deeply researched article titled, Pushing the Same Old Climate Policies at COP27 is Simply Insane. While not denying the climate is measurably changing, the heart of their article exposes and highlights the gross deceptions being forced upon us.  

To pretend that spending trillions of dollars and inducing drastic disruption to life on Earth will yield measurable changes in global temperatures is a non-scientific ruse.

The first commitment to rein in climate change was agreed upon in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Despite dozens of climate summits, numerous agreements made in Kyoto and Paris, and the outlandish promises of draconian regulations, little has been accomplished. The reason is, countries inevitably must renege on their climate commitments to avoid economic, industrial, and societal collapse.

Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum (WEF) are displeased by the rebel leaders’ willingness to place the good of their citizenry before the needs of the planet. Therefore, he has transmitted his demands throughout the galaxy: To dawn the age of The Great Reset, he will now have to break the will of the people.

The Poor You Will Always Have With You

Jesus did not quote this phrase because poverty is the will of The Father. Instead, He was stating the inescapable injustice that will always prevail when evil, corrupt leaders rise to power.

As reliable energy reductions take hold, the poorer countries in Asia and Africa struggle to survive as they try to power their way out of abject poverty. While the UN and the WEF boast of helping the poor, every single one of their tyrannical policies fiercely punishes the poor more than any other group.

The axiom to lift the poor toward prosperity is obvious: Generate as much power as is humanly possible and make it as widely available as possible. Knowing this, the globalists notoriously force nations to reduce and eliminate proven energy sources in exchange for a fantasy of carbon-clean sources that are neither viable nor ready.

This leads poorer nations to do things like burning wood for energy, which is one of the worst production methods for the environment. You may say that the climate alarmists surely know this, right? Their devilish proposition makes little sense until you read their materials.  

To save the Earth, they must first depopulate it. And the global puppeteers start with the remote, rural, 3rd world poor.

The carbon footprint the globalists want to eliminate is you.

What Do You Mean Clean Energy is Not Ready?

Lomborg provides us with compelling data. For carbon-neutral renewable energy to flourish, consider the required nature displacement. One square yard of gas-fired power requires 73 square yards of solar panels. Or, 239 square yards of wind turbines. Or, an astonishing 6000 square yards of biomass.

The U.S. would have to devote a land mass four times the size of the U.K. to clean-power Biden’s promise of a carbon-free economy by 2050.

The other obvious problem with wind and solar is reliability due to intermittence and darkness. Because modern societies require 24 hours of nonstop power, a mode of backup must always be available. That means today’s entire fossil fuel infrastructure will have to be maintained to provide continuous power.

Batteries. While you may love that your Toyota Prius sounds just like your electric weed-whacker, do not research the environmental catastrophe battery creation and disposal causes. For example, 500,000 pounds of earth must be excavated to manufacture one electric vehicle battery.

Globally, we currently have enough storage capacity to power one minute and 15 seconds of the Earth’s energy requirements. By Joe Biden’s made-up date of 2030, global capacity will have only increased to 11 minutes.

Despite massive subsidies, electric vehicles constitute 1.4% of cars globally and that number is not rising quickly. The United State’s predictions indicate by 2050, less than 10% of American stock will be comprised of electric vehicles.

(At the time of writing, if you are having your second cup of coffee while waiting for your Tesla to charge, consider the cubic tonnage of greenhouse gasses spewing from the cone of Hawaii’s Manau Loa right now.)

When Biden promised renewable electricity by 2035, he is only speaking of a fractional component of energy consumption. Today, only 19% of the total energy used is electricity. The mob bosses of energy consumption are agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, and construction.

I Don’t Care, Let’s Save the Planet Anyway

The International Energy Agency estimates the world would produce 235 million fewer tons of carbon dioxide IF we achieve all our ambitiously stated electrification targets in this decade. The result? The reduction would lower global temperatures by 1/10,000th of a degree celsius by the end of the century.  

This is according to the UN’s climate panel model.

Does this mean we should stop research? Of course not. Delivery methods like nuclear fission and green hydrogen may yield promising gains in years to come. But, Lomborg and Peterson warn us that panicked urgency to reduce emissions today has nothing to do with the heavens and everything to do with control, power, and wealth redistribution.

Prince Charles’ speech at last year's conference in Glasgow proves Lomborg’s point:

We need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector, with trillions at its disposal far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders. It offers the only real prospect of achieving a fundamental economic transition.

~ Prince Charles, COP26

. . .

For those as old as the author, you will remember the world was panicked about food shortages in the 60s and early 70s. However, instead of mandating the rich eat less, the farming revolution launched the highest-yielding crops ever produced.  

The key is always to produce more, not force people to make do with less.

Then in the mid to late 70s, the world was panicked about a coming Ice Age. When the terrifying glaciers failed to advance, the fear peddlers swapped the script and began bull-horning to us the apocalyptic chants of Global Warming. But when the data didn’t pan out, the regime indoctrinated us with a more comprehensive term — Climate Change.

And when Climate Change was deemed far too banal, the game-makers uploaded their next version of the program: Climate Emergency.

Sounds more like a hot sauce than an atmospheric phenomenon.

First Things First, in That Order

First principles remind us that the Creator deemed the Earth as “Good”, so we should stop acting as if truculent planetary forces are indiscriminately seeking to destroy us.

Elohim saw all that He had made - and it was very good!

~ Genesis Chapter 1

These global oligarchs who shake their fists at the heavens and refuse to give Adonai honor can not even tell us the origin of life. If the miracle of abiogenesis eludes their understanding, why trust them to ordain how and when life will end? If it sounds like they are playing God — they are.

These pagan preachers have pitched a religion of fear to bend their congregants into identity-stripping submission. But once in servitude, exactly who are these worshippers supposed to adore?

We, humans, are inherently wired to worship. So if the elites can cue a full eclipse of The Lord, you will seek another to set your affections on. The question is: Do you want to worship the creation from the pews of net-zero fantasy where the politicians are both priest and god? Or would you like to know the God in heaven who reveals all mysteries? (The Book of Daniel, Chapter 2)

It is truly a matter of trust:

My blessing is on those people who trust in me, and who put their confidence in me. They will be like a tree planted near a stream whose roots spread out toward the water. They have nothing to fear when the heat comes.

~ Adonai in Jeremiah, Chapter 17

Christians have nothing to fear, including temperature, because we know how the story ends. The resurrection of Jesus has inaugurated a new creation bursting forth right in the midst of this one. The Earth is not destined for destruction but rather, being prepared for perfection.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and earth had passed away… Look! The residence of God is among human beings. He will live among them, and they will be His people, and God himself will be with them.

~ The Book of Revelation, Chapter 21

Being charged to care for the environment is a command. Being afraid life on earth will end by climate catastrophe is a lie.

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ

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