Hypocrisy is a Hypocrite
I vote we immediately remove the word “Hypocrisy” from the lexicon. Why? Because here in these Divided States, it’s become glaringly apparent that the actions of a hypocrite are no longer deemed a double-minded, duplicitous deed but instead, lauded as a unifying, societal necessity when reckoned as beneficial for a certain class of people — the elite. And to hell with everyone else.
Two examples from today.
First, the US Open has once again landed in Flushing Meadows, NY. All local tennis fans who know what a rocketed serve sounds like in that iconic venue are thrilled — unless that fan is counted among the Lepers of the Unvaccinated Colony.
The USTA made the last-minute decision that a Vaccine Passport (or in New York Mayor de Blasio’s lingo, the Shake Shack Excelsior Pass) is compulsory for passage to the outdoor array of tennis courts.
In other words, non-lepers may pass while lepers are banished.
Before you cheer too loudly, consider two things. First, the mounting evidence is proving that outdoor events are anything but Covid super-spreaders. Second, I thought masks worked? (Unless you saw the recent test where a virologist wore five surgical masks and demonstrated how the aerosol particles of his breath, which are larger than the SARS-COV-2 nanoparticles, flowed freely through his facial fortress.)
But far more sinister, did you know the etymology of New York’s named, Excelsior Pass means “Higher”?
Karl Marx did.
Identitarian collectivism, or basic Marxism, is built upon the foundational principle of tagging and assigning the citizenry into respective groups; groups within which members themselves have little control of their consignment.
It’s nothing new. Marx attempted this via economics, Gramsci via class, The Frankfurt School via a more cultural Marxism, and today it perpetuates its diabolical evils via Critical Theory. More on that in a moment
Once cohort designation is complete, then typically the elite group is elevated as protected and superior while all others are relegated as having less worth; which is one quick hop away from worthless.
Once a group is classified as sub-human, individual dispensability becomes quite easy. Just ask an eight-month-old baby what she thinks while swimming into a Planned Parenthood clinic for her mother’s health care procedure.
In biblical times, we would have cried “Clean”, to invite and promote the higher and “Unclean”, to shame and exile the lower. In more recent history, we can just ask the Rwandan Tutsi’s or Muslim Uyghurs how social engineering worked out for them.
I have had the life-changing experience of spending time in multiple Leper Colonies in India. Creepily, the tenets of the Caste System, mixed with the doctrine of reincarnation, enables both the government and the citizenry to think nothing of these dear, God-imaged suffering Lepers.
To drop off your infected uncle at one of these colonies is akin to bringing your garbage to the dump. Out of sight, out of mind…unless the sight and mind are that of Christ.
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper and cast out demons.
~Jesus to his followers
Although strictly forbidden, I laid my praying hands on the open sores of these discarded lepers and watched tears of joy, commingled with anguish, run down their dirty cheeks. It requires a fairly dim, wrong-headed understanding of humanity to ignore those lower down the caste rungs as readily as jettisoning nonconformists from your Twitter feed.
It was hard to discern the true nature of their torment: Was it suffering from a horrific disease or being separated from the normal life everyone else was enjoying. Perhaps ask yourself: Who have you banished to the leper colony of your micro-society?
Catastrophically, I am watching friends, families, and co-workers expand cancel culture from digital clicks to physical separation. How can we let families and friendships be torn apart just because of differing views on politics, social justice, or even vaccination status? Methinks the signaled virtues of aspiring to be higher than others results in a startling realization: The upward scurry you expend is not up a ladder but within a gerbil wheel.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was far wiser in his day than anyone could have discerned. Did you know his timeless poem, “Excelsior”, warned us that there is such a thing as aiming too high? It was almost as if he squintingly saw the vaccine passports nestled between the threads of his parchment:
Try not the Pass!” the old man said;
Dark lowers the tempest overhead,
The roaring torrent is deep and wide!
And loud that clarion voice replied,
The USTA and New York City mandates have inherently elected one collective of humans higher than others. So ask yourself: Who precisely have they vowed to protect and who have they decidedly punished?
Because we have now learned that while tennis fans rolled up their sleeves and bled to pass the Covid Customs barricade, some of the tennis players have refused to do the same. Absent the hole where Excalibur’s syringe was pulled from their striated arms, these elites were still permitted to pass the blockade against the Grand High Exalted Mystic Excelsior’s will.
Let us all stop for a moment to consider this diabolically hypocritical deception.
While New York bureaucrats stiff-arm the unvaccinated from entering the volleying venue, they have duplicitously welcomed the stars of the sport, regardless of their vax status.
Like, Novak Djokovic.
Could it be that top drawer elite athletes have realized the radical, evolving shot pales in comparison to their own highly trained, magnificently sculptured immune systems?
If hypocrisy was still a thing, shouldn’t Novak Djokovic be canceled and ousted to watch these matches on his socially distanced iPhone like the rest of us Grafene-less carriers?
Sadly, hypocrisy doesn’t mean what it used to mean and common sense is no longer commonly held.
Second, let us consider the hypocrisy of post-modern racism.
The loudest voices of anti-racism and anti-whiteness are being bullhorn-ed by the overtly white. What most of them fail to grasp is; the basics of Critical Race Theory (CRT) did not formulate during the U.S. Civil Rights Movement as many often state, but catapult much further back — all the way to Marx.
True to Marxist form, CRT has little to do with melanin and everything to do with identity politics. A glaring example is the ongoing saga of the California Governor’s Recall Election.
In 172 years of California’s tip-of-the-justice-spear history, this bastion of racial equity has never had a black Governor. How could that be?
Thank God, an extremely qualified black man has thrown his hat into the three-ring, gubernatorial circus. Born and raised in South Central L.A. and a graduate of the infamous Crenshaw High School, his story reflects the all to common plight of an angry young boy growing up without his biological father. Yet, he avoided the gangs, worked hard, put himself through school, and has become an extremely successful national radio personality, author, political analyst, and film producer.
You would think the good people of California would have rolled out the woke carpet as quickly as they rolled up their sleeves in support of such an exciting candidate? Unfortunately, Larry Elder is disqualified from Excelsior status for one viral pathogen: Larry is a conservative. Therefore, he is not allowed passage through the elitist-controlled checkpoints.
This smack of hypocrisy should infuriate every sensible thinker who has a beating heart. As pasty white Gavin Newsome decimates that once great state and his Aunt Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic machine pulls out all the stops to block Elder and negate the upcoming Recall Election, why would there be a concerted effort to block a viable black candidate?
Even more disgusting, the L.A. Times wrote a hit piece on Larry with the headline:
Larry Elder is the blackface of white supremacy. You’ve been warned.
I’ll just leave that one right there.
Unthinkably, even YouTube is censoring promotional videos and advertisements endorsing Mr. Elder for Governor.
Clicking Cancel prevents you from seeing the video. Does clicking Confirm mean that I agree?
What’s curious is; why hasn’t Antifa descended upon the L.A. Times Headquarters to render their unique brand of retributive justice? Why haven’t the roads in front of Google Headquarters been painted with Black Lives Matter ? Why aren’t protesters from South Central blocking intersections, looting stores and antagonizing law enforcement? This is blatant discrimination against a black man, yet no one seems to care.
Typical to Marxist ethos, a person’s individual attributes are always superseded by their group attributes. Therefore, there is nothing hypocritical to see here.
Psychologist and author, Dr. Jordan Peterson, masterfully chides the social justice warriors and woke activists with a profound yet simple challenge:
Before you set out to rearrange the world, it's best to first clean your own room.
Dr. Peterson’s challenge is: Before one sets out to tear down the establishment and rearrange society, it's best to first bring order to any and all chaos within your own personal domain. That said, do you imagine these Antifa criminals and BLM Inc. rioters live in tastefully appointed homes, thrive in their careers, and are raising happy children?
Just as Antifa and BLM Inc. are less about protecting and improving individual lives and more about elevating certain groups above others, the Vaccine Passport seems less about individual public safety and more about relegating and demonizing a large segment of our citizenry. The same parasitic thought pathogens that brought us the thorny bush of cancel culture are now stringing razor wire across our citizenry and strangely; many seem to think it’s a noble idea.
As always, Jesus says it best:
Do not judge others, or you will be judged by the same measure. Why do you look for the speck of sawdust in other people’s eye when there is a plank of wood in your own?
The suicidal plight of identity politics is: In the perpetual excavation of other people’s sin, the journey of self-improvement goes entirely neglected.
You hypocrite! First, remove the plank from your own eye, then you might be able to see clearly enough to help your brother remove the speck of sawdust from his eye.
~ Matthew’s Gospel
The aim of identity politics is always division and never unity. And the path to true unity comes not through coerced conformity, but through transformation in Christ. And transformation in Christ comes from beholding Him. It is from this posture that everything comes into focus — especially the motivations of our own hearts.