Trump Derangement Syndrome?

I am astounded and confounded by the never-Trumpers, particularly those who are also believers. As I wonderly watch their predictable calisthenics, their arguments and analyses carry a depth of insight quickly garnered from watching The View. If these code-blue patients would tear up their DNR, pull the plug on their dependency on globalist media, and take the time to seek independent sources, they might see how pernicious the bags of propaganda are swinging from their I.V. carts.  

Until then, I marvel at the show.

It's the folks who cannot even bear to hear the term Trump Derangement Syndrome who suffer from it themselves. As with all deception, this entire phenomenon is predicated on the fact that the patient is incapable of self-diagnosis.

First, let's define terms, as derangement is surprisingly apropos. While the common definitions are fitting, like to disturb the operations or functions of or to make mentally unsound, it's the lesser-known definition that intrigues me. To be deranged is to be odd, eccentric, and sometimes offensive. This certainly rings true in my experience and goes something like this.

A well-reasoned, thoughtfully researched post focused on issues, policies, or movements is often met with irrational, unsubstantiated rants that are nearly always personally insulting.  

I watched a debate today on The Free Press between a reasoned Trump supporter and a typically unhinged Trump opposer.  What was most remarkable, and all too common, is the Trump opposer was not able to sustain a sentence without sputtering slurs like misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobe, fascist, and racist, with a steady sprinkling of Hitler, fascist, and threat to our Democracy.

The debate lasted less than 20 minutes, yet the opposition could barely depart from these lazy, collectivist pejoratives.

The recent dust-ups over judges blocking deportations and USAID cuts are a blatant overreach of the judiciary.  So blatant Justice Roberts didn't officially post his statement but floated it through the SCOTUS Information Office.  To cheer these activist judges is to not understand our three branches of government, their roles, and precisely how our checks and balances work.

Brave and noble some are demanding? Where were similar judicial motions when Biden was covertly orchestrating thousands of flights into and across the United States, often under the cover of night, illegally transporting millions of migrants across the country — for years?

The never-Tumpers and Democrats have painted themselves into an ever-shrinking corner. Wittingly or unwittingly, their disdain for The President now pits them against removing waste and corruption from our government.  They now find themselves on the same team as those who are against protecting babies, against protecting children, and against protecting women.  They are openly against law enforcement. They struggle to pick sides between Jews and Jihadists. And mind-numbingly, they are against ending the Russia-Ukraine war, which is one of their most baffling handstands.

Biden never once spoke of a brokered peace and never even bothered to call Putin.  All he did was pump hundreds of billions of dollars into Zelensky's laundromat as almost 350,000 people have needlessly died.  Do the "I Stand With Ukraine" yard sign signalers believe Ukraine should fight this war until Russia unconditionally surrenders?

Staggering idiocy.

All of these faux tears for USAID are mostly misplaced.  Where were the tears when the HHS Whistleblower Tara Rodas uncovered government-sponsored child sex and labor trafficking? Where were the tears as hundreds of billions were laundered through wireframe NGOs, Catholic Charities, and cartel-benefited enterprises?

Thanks to the gritty, on-the-ground investigations by heroes like James O’Keefe and Larry Taunton, we saw USAID's role in funding, equipping, and managing the migrant caravans, sending them into the Darien Gap where women and children were raped so often, the crooked Red Cross was handing out rape kits at the trailhead of the Gap. 

Here's a nifty discussion topic: Which administration do you think the cartels prefer, Biden's or Trump's? Discuss amongst yourselves, but preferably with The Lord.

I'm trying to remember, during the Biden administration, all of the riots and vandalism inflicted upon US cities by conservative hooligans.  Yet here we are, once again watching the reasonable left open fire on the Tesla brand.  Once cherished by the climate catastrophists, it's now open season as mostly peaceful protesters are destroying Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging stations.  Don't these Molotov maniacs realize Tesla owners mostly voted for Kamala?

It reminds me of when BLM and Antifa peacefully burned down cities with their blankets and binkies while no one in the press or law enforcement dared to oppose them.

If you lean in, you can catch the left's tacit support of violent protest, which now includes revering radical Islamist jihadists and cold-blooded murdering healthcare executives.

Another nifty compare and contrast: When Trump supporters disagreed with a company's policy, they stopped buying their beer. Discuss amongst yourselves, but preferably with the Lord.

And you can not cite January 6 as the corollary example of conservative violence.  We now know there were hundreds of paid Antifa activists regaled in team Trump attire and over a hundred FBI assets who not once tried to quell the crowds. 

SWAT'ing cases against conservatives are increasing at a dangerous rate.  There have been twelve reported cases in just the past two weeks. My friend, historian, author, and speaker, Larry Taunton, was SWAT'ed this week in the dark of night by a battalion of body-armored agents.  Believing his home was being invaded, Taunton was seconds from opening fire.  Thank God, it ended peacefully.

The same mainstream media that mainlines endless bags of Trump derangement into the minds of the masses offers no condemnation for these types of acts.  And why should they, they are too busy rallying support for Jihadist activists like Mahmoud Khalil.  

Then again, this is the same media that barely covers the slaughter of Christians in Syria, Nigeria, and Congo because it's Khalil's team doing the butchering.

An important part of discernment is to stop and become aware of whom you align with—and against.  Pastor Jim Garlow gave a brief report today after a time of prayer in the Oval Office. Never-Trumpers seethe at such scenes, particularly the believing ones.  I've gotten to know Jim, and he is a remarkably wise and godly leader.  I trust him.  So, I trusted him when he reported that prayer time was holy and poignant.

If you want a clear assessment, watch the thumb-twirling circus of Gavin Newsome's new podcast. First watch the episodes with Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon.  I'm on that team.

Then watch the insufferable episode with Tim Walz, who looks like Tim Conway and Richard Simmons had a kid.  Is that your team?

I've lost friends over Trump. It's almost unbearable to imagine until I remind myself it has little to do with Trump and less to do with me. People confuse Kingdom-centric commentary as some strange concoction of church and state infused with Jesus and Trump. If we don't acknowledge that darkness covers the land and deep darkness covers the people, then we risk taking part in that darkness rather than resisting and exposing it.

Paul explains to the church at Corinth that though we are humans, we do not battle according to human standards.  If we wield human weapons in this war, we will accomplish little.  But when we employ divinely empowered weapons, we not only tear down every argument aimed against the knowledge of God, we destroy the systems that protect those antichrist ideologies. (2 Cor 10:3-5, my paraphrase)

Arise and shine! The glory of the Lord rises upon you, and nations will come to your great light!

Oh, so what you are saying is; Trump is the great light? (TDS 4:17)


And look what I just stumbled upon. This is real, folks!

“In March 2025, the Minnesota Legislature introduced Senate File 2589. This bill proposed amending Minnesota Statutes 2024 to include "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS) as an officially recognized mental illness under state law. The legislation aimed to modify sections 245.462 and 245I.02, which deal with mental health definitions, by adding TDS alongside existing conditions.

The bill defines TDS as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons that is in reaction to the policies and presidencies of President Donald J. Trump." It lists symptoms such as "Trump-induced general hysteria," an "inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology" in Trump’s behavior, and potential "overt acts of aggression and violence" against Trump supporters or symbols. The proposal suggested that adults with TDS could be classified as having an "acute mental illness" requiring "prompt intervention."

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ

The Interior Life


Until the Full Number