Update on Doug Logan and Cyber Ninjas

This article was commissioned by Intercessors for America (IFA).

You may not recognize the name, but there is a very good chance the media has painted a portrait of Doug Logan for you which does not at all resemble the man.  Logan founded Cyber Ninjas, the software security consulting firm hired to perform the forensic audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election results in Arizona.  Does this ring a bell yet?

To hear this joyful, bright young man talk about the highs and lows of the unexpected adventure that placed him and his firm on the national stage, one can quickly see he is a man of honor, virtue, and deep faith.   It’s a good reminder:  Don’t believe every hit piece you read.

On March 2, 2022, IFA’s own Kris Kubal and Camille Solberg interviewed Logan, which served as a follow-up session to their prior interview last September.  While the September discussion focused mostly on the process and findings of the audit, this month’s focus included the brutally punitive aftermath since Cyber Ninjas submitted their final report.

The findings of the audit are still being reviewed and investigated by the Arizona Attorney General’s office, which Logan believes is a very important part of the process.  Though painted as a virulent Trump supporter who was biased enough to want to overturn the election, decertification is something Logan takes very seriously.   

While the audit results undoubtedly prove plentiful fraud, he does not rush toward decertification.

“This idea that one branch of government could, of its own determination, decertify an election is problematic.”

Regardless of what the courts decide, Logan shared his longer-term ideas to reestablish trust and integrity in our election systems.  His five-point plan was birthed from his deep, detailed dive into the nooks and crannies that enable fraud to thrive.

First, he urges everyone to get involved in their local election offices and find ways to volunteer and serve.  The more people that get involved, the harder it is to hide the fraud.  Second, similar to Jury Duty, Logan floated the concepts of civic conscription and to make Election Day a national holiday.

Third, he would like to see our elections adopt a “culture of audits”.  The routine auditing of financial services and publicly traded companies serves to enhance accuracy and promote confidence.  Regular audits of our elections are tantamount to recapturing public trust.

Fourth, Logan hopes state legislatures will pass new laws that would bolster election integrity and eliminate loopholes for nefarious behavior to occur.  Lastly, considering he is a software guy, his fifth point may surprise you.  

Logan would like to see each state revert to hand counting.  While computer systems can provide a high degree of accuracy and efficiency, there are far too many security vulnerabilities that can be too easily leveraged.

“The more complicated the system used to count votes, the more difficult it is to detect the fraud in it.”

Watching how this joy-filled young man speaks belies the punitive and abusive horror show he has been dragged through — by the same legal system put in place to protect us.


“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in tears on my knees praying.”

Considering Cyber Ninjas did precisely the job they were hired to do, the outrage and backlash against them have been cruel and disproportionate.  There are not only multiple lawsuits pending against the firm, there are also charges levied against Logan and his wife.  

Logan was found in contempt of court because he believed the courts engaged in blatant overreach by demanding private communication which had nothing to do with Cyber Ninjas work product.

If I went through the process of fighting for our country to make sure an audit happened, I also thought it was important to honor the Bill of Rights.  So when they [the courts] ask a private company to give up private communications that are not associated with business, I thought that was important to fight.

For this manufactured infraction, Logan is being fined a penalty of $50,000.00 per day.  To date, the company owes over two million dollars in fines.  Combine that with the disreputable AZ State Senate’s refusal to honor their indemnity clause or pay their bills, Cyber Ninjas was forced to close its doors on December 31, 2021.

Through it all, his immovable faith is strong and his prayer is for the truth to prevail.  As someone who watched all of the Arizona State Legislature hearings of the 2020 election, I have only become more of a fan of Doug Logan.

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ


His Hand


It’s a Matter of the Heart