Do Trends Matter?

I am nap-enabled, up late researching my next piece (the vaccine) and stumbled upon some unrelated but startling facts.

Keep in mind: Trump is long gone and unified government is here. Corporate media boasts of newfound virtue and its’ pundits rarely have much to rail against anymore. BLM Inc. and Antifa have essentially gained unfettered freedom and more importantly — big-city police reform is being fiercely enforced while the decriminalization of perpetrators is in full regale.

These, from what I understand, are some of the highest-value initiatives touted today as the answers to our systemic problems. So it seems timely to ask; are we closer to arrival at our choice destination or are we picking up speed, rocketing toward the abyss?

Some year-to-date results over last year are worth mention.

Atlanta; homicides are up 58% and shootings up 40%. New York City homicides are up 13% and shootings up 64%. Portland homicides are up 533% and shootings up 126%. Chicago homicides are up 5% and shootings up 18%, (The baseline numbers there are so large this represents a significant number). Los Angeles homicides are up 22%, shootings up 51%. Philly is up 37% in homicides and 27% in shootings.

Are homicides and shootings the best metrics to measure societal flourishing? No. But, if this is not the desired trend, why aren’t the establishment press and corporate despots talking about the inconceivable suffering represented behind these statistics?

These are some of the blue-est, most woke, out-in-front, progressive cities we have today. Is this just a blip and we need to be patient in order to let this burgeoning ideology take root? Or, are these the cataclysmic warnings of an ensuing catastrophe we need to hit the Abort button on now?

As I look for Christ through the lens of media’s collaborative assault, it is becoming more and more heart-wrenching and less and less heart-enriching.

But this is why we only look for Christ through Christ.

Have you heard: Massive tent revivals are breaking out in California where thousands are coming to faith. Prayer Rooms across the country are filling up with worshippers and prayer warriors who see the dawning of an eternally brighter day. People are being healed of cancer and set free from addictions. Sunday morning believers are no longer satiated with comfortable, entertaining services and are asking: How can I help bring heaven to earth?

That’s right, the thought-to-be outdated, regressive, primitive Christian values are once again emerging as the only offering which holds the provision for the abundant life Jesus promised to deliver.

"Behold I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly”. ~Jesus

You could almost call it a trend.

I’m waiting for CNN to roll that quote across the lower scroll of their broadcast tomorrow...

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ

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