Herd Disunity

I was in seventh grade when the epic rock opera Tommy The Who came to a theatre near me.  I still remember the Saturday morning I walked two miles and bought my ticket at the box office.  Sinking deep into my seat, I was vigilant to avoid the D-battery beam of the usher’s oversized flashlight and happily watched the legendary movie three times, straight through.  This was 1975’s version of Netflix binging.

Tina Turner’s disturbing role as the Acid Queen rattles me to this day.  As I superimpose Tony Fauci in Tina’s role, a slight tweak of the lyric seems eerily apropos: 

I'm the gypsy, the vaccine queen

You’ll pay before we start

I’m the gypsy, I guarantee

To tear your world apart

As we approach the third anniversary of becoming a Neo-censorship society, how do we think it’s going?  Seems like forever ago, Milo Yiannopoulos and Sargon of Akkad were de-platformed, but business picked up sharply in 2020.  On cue, my long time friend Eric Metaxas’ YouTube channel was recently and permanently scorched. 2021 is shaping up to be a bumper crop year for censorship.  

Topics like election fraud, early-onset treatments for SARS-COV-2, the Wuhan Lab hypothesis, and the Vaccine Queen jab were all sure-fire ways to garner the attention of the lowly-trained, non-intellectuals who have their fingers on the Cancel joystick, eager to banish all dissidents to the Google Archipelago. 

For all the landowners with an I Believe in Science yard sign sunk deep in their soil, it seems one inherently critical component of the Scientific Method is no longer of any value:  Time.

While MyPillows are being yanked off the back of big-box trucks faster than a loose tooth tied to a slamming doorknob, socialist-media fact-checkers deny any mention of election fraud and revoke recess privileges for those who do.  Yet here we are, a mere seven months later, as key swing-states continue to reveal boatloads of ballot illegalities and the forensic trails of massive data breaches.  

Forget the pillow guy, just watch HBO’s Kill Chain and see what you think? Then, ask yourself why the Gulag guards are not banishing HBO into work-camp obscurity…

Remember in early 2020 when reputable, highly experienced doctors were being de-platformed, defamed and de-practiced for insisting that early-onset treatments like Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, Azithromycin, as well as prophylactic Ivermectin were guaranteed to save lives?  Yet, here we are one year later as newly completed clinical test data undeniably prove; they were right.  

Precisely when the flood of apologies and retractions will commence is unsure, but we can at least be thankful that Frontline Doctors was birthed out of this CCP-like censorship.

Speaking of the CCP (The Communist Covid Poke), remember when it was downright criminal to even suggest SARS-COV-2 was engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology?  Thanks to Fallible Fauci’s damning emails being yanked out of the closet, as well as the recently released epidemiological reports which empirically cite that the virus could not have possibly adapted and proliferate as rapidly as it did unless it was bioengineered, consider this:  When is the last time you heard about a bat in a wet market?  

Don Antonio Fauci may go down as the single greatest mass murderer in the history of our planet.  And if the deaths by infection don’t push him over the top, his deaths by vaccine surely will.

If the corporate media despots truly believe their own narratives, (Such as; the election was entirely legal, not a single repurposed drug is effective against SARS-COV-2, the vaccine is safe, and the Wuhan Lab is deserving of the Nobel Prize) why do they expend such excessive energies collaboratively suppressing all of us from talking about it?

It’s a critically important question.

It is also important to state; this is not to judge or demean anyone who has taken the shot.  However, almost without exception, every person I’ve asked who did take the shot admitted they knew very little about the actual science.  (Editors note; review your yard signage for accuracy).

As if Facebook and YouTubes’ annoying Vaccine Information popup panels could convince the populous that the untested, non-approved, risk-ridden gene jab was safe, we now have irrefutable data showing precisely how dangerous this deadly game is.

Before you rush to your trusty New York Times archives to defend the efficacy and safety of this never-before-used syringe of genetic potation, consider this:  There are already over 6000 documented deaths here in the U.S.  These were people who died anywhere from minutes to 30 days after rolling up their sleeve, and many experts believe this number is much higher as data collection is still months in arrears.    

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is the logical place to start.  You may have read somewhere that since it’s a voluntary entry system, it should not be deemed reliable.  But read here; it holds verified, historical data for every currently approved vaccine spanning the past 30 years.  

Physicians are strongly urged to record adverse reports to this system so it is invaluable for detecting trends.  The obvious trend to notice is:  Why do the adverse reactions to the guaranteed-safe covid vaccine sharply exceed that of every other tested vaccine over the last 30 years — combined?  Once you find the graph, you will see a perplexing hockey stick-like plotting of data points.

The first oddity, in almost Smartmatic-like fashion, is that over 200,000 recent entries have mysteriously disappeared from the VAERS database.  Since it’s a federal crime to provide false information in this system, these deletions are quite alarming.  So much so, experts believe the true number of deaths may be closer to 50,000. 

What are the corporate tyrants trying to hide and why are we learning the suppressed truths of a year ago are just now gaining both credence and scientific standing?

You can search the VAERS (Also labeled, CDC Wonder) website for yourself and see the rapid-onset afflictions.  Heart attacks within 2 minutes of injection, tremors, strokes, intense diarrhea, fevers, chills, paralysis, fetal destruction, head-to-toe pain, and — never waking up — are just a few of the trending entries.  The more you read, the more you will be mortified.  

Oh, and have fun doing the required web calisthenics to mine this data because it appears to be intentionally obfuscated.  The CDC Wonder application should be called the CDC Blunder. 

Why isn’t our non-investigative Press telling us about any of this?  Remember during the throws of the pandemic, every cable news channel had a 24x7 panel showing us the slot machine-like tally of the SARS-COV-2 statistics?  Perhaps these same sham shows should consider implementing a similar leader board for adverse vaccine reactions — suffering families would like to be heard.

Every corporate media outlet has painstakingly coerced us to believe that the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the mRNA and DNA shots was a good and necessary thing. While you may be reading this with one or two vials already coursing through your system, understand that the EUA permitted Pharmaceutical companies to bypass nearly every measure of clinical testing and protocol as never before allowed in history.  Just Say No to Boosters.

Clinical testings’ high water mark was with genetically modified, laboratory-bred rodents that were engineered with abnormally long telomeres — which means these rodents were bio-manufactured to be superheroes against cytotoxic infection.  Nonetheless, the results would not have passed traditional FDA standards save for the EUA.

Non-human primate testing, a required and crucial phase of any clinical vaccine trial, never took place.  No, the decision was made to skip the chimps and inject this genetic brew into every human being on the planet (All the while having their syringes crossed behind their backs).

Was the need real?  Absolutely.  Were we told the truth?  Absolutely not.

Everyone knows the basic biology at this point:  Instead of injecting a low-dose antigen into the body to trigger an immune response, the mRNA gene therapy encodes instructions within a lipid nanoparticle which is injected into the upper arm and ultimately settles within the nucleus of your cells.  Think of it like a fortune cookie.  The cookie is the nanoparticle and the mRNA instruction is the misfortune.

Based upon the instructions, your ribosomes help manufacture the notorious spike protein (hence the gene therapy aspect of the shot) which is designed to present itself, anchored to the outer wall of the cell.

As the antibodies learn how to take out the presenting spike protein, the body clears the toxic debris through the lymph system, and voila; you are vaccinated. The science of this is nothing short of moon-landingly brilliant — when it works as designed.

However, there are two very serious problems.  First, instead of the lipid nanoparticles remaining localized in your upper arm/shoulder area as they should, the bio-distribution studies now show that they sometimes travel with great ferocity through your entire system, accumulating in places like the heart, brain, lungs and with surprising alarm — highly concentrated aggregation in female ovaries.  

Researchers now believe this is why the overwhelming adverse effects are being observed in the heart, lungs, brain, and fetuses of the vaccinated.  Also be aware, due to the rushed nature of these shots, there is no completed research on reproductive toxicology.  This means there is no reliable data on the potential gestational or generational effects of these genetic therapies.  

Being in a hurry rarely squares with true wisdom.  

The second unexpected result is that these genetically generated spike proteins do not always remain anchored to the outer wall of the cell as designed.  In many cases, scientists now see these covid look-alike’s cleave off from the cellular wall and likewise travel unencumbered through the body, accumulating in many of the same areas.  These genetically manufactured, unattached proteins are extremely cytotoxic and are now known to be a primary cause of adverse reactions and death. 

If this article alarms you, ask yourself one question:  Why hasn’t all of this been openly discussed and debated in the digital public square?  There is only one reason.  Censorship.

Censorship is not only antithetical to the scientific method, it is a toxic poison to a free and healthy society.  If the ultimate goal of our medical professionals is to ensure public safety, then any bias must overwhelmingly be on the side of — caution.  But with SARS-COV-2, it is starkly the opposite.  

The medical community has been so deeply shaped by the NIH, CDC, and WHO, when faced with an adverse reaction, the all too common response is, “Well, the vaccine is safe so this condition must be unrelated”.  


If nothing else, we ask:  Why is there an apparent collusion among big-tech, corporate media, and filthy-rich oligarchs to feverishly suppress the free exchange of information as they hurriedly sculpt an Us-vs-Them national divide?  Worse, how is this same tactic being used in other regions of our societal systems?

Tony The WHO cannot answer this question because they were infected with a far worse virus long ago.

A cursory read of history reveals the hellishness of what happens when a nation turns in on itself: It’s like a siamese twin going on a hunger strike in order to starve its own sibling.

May we resist the urging to become a Deaf, dumb and blind nation.

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ


Sean Foyt (Pronounced Feu-cht)


Do Trends Matter?