Seek Wisdom

Trust little a press that loves the government.  Trust not a government that loves the press.

Each time I sit down to write a happy, encouraging piece about my life in the Kingdom of God, a rogue headline clasps my ankle and yanks attention toward the next set of woke waves crashing like a lunar super-tide onto our citizenry’s shores.  These waves are far too dangerous to surf, yet aptly serve to rip away our precious coastlines right from under our feet.

How people still trust corporate news outlets is anathema to me.  Our demented, unmasked media has finally revealed themselves:  They are face painters.  

“Yea, that's right.  You know, support the team”.

~David Puddy, Seinfeld

Now that Big-media’s cards are flipped, unashamedly displaying their undying allegiance to their favorite team, it is truly time to defund the donkey mascot-media and reimagine an age where the rigorous quest for truth can once again prevail.   The first step is admitting you need help.  Detox units are standing by.

Since there is a full-court press to rid our country of any trace of a Biblical foundation, I’ll assume the Prophets of old who spoke of heavenly things have been replaced with Profiters so bold who speak of devilish things.

Where to even begin?  Let’s simply look at this past week in the news.  

My dear friend and prolific author, Eric Metaxas, who holds the distinct title of being one of only six men on the planet to have stood with me at my wedding, was permanently de-platformed from YouTube this week. Some may snicker and think this inconsequential, but when you make your living as a brilliant content creator and the world's largest video publisher pulls your plug — that is real dollars, folks.  

But far worse, he becomes the next casualty in the woke Blitzkrieg that is carpet-bombing conservatives and Christians alike, of whom Eric is both.  It befuddles me to watch the left-leaners and media pundits act as if these are good and noble campaigns.  And what were his low crimes and nebulous misdemeanors against incoherent Community Guidelines?  Detox units are standing by.

Next, we have these same corrupt conglomerates scrambling to soft-pedal Pope Tony’s newly released email archives.  Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, our very owned Infallible Fauci, the highest-paid government official in the land, is helplessly watching his prior 18 months of emails be released like spike proteins spawning from the mRNA jab.  

As the face painters swarm like anti-bodies to negate the devastating effects, they posited that the public give him a pass because, after all, “His job is very stressful”.

We now have hard evidence that Don Antonio, who has sizable vested interests in Moderna, supported gain-of-function experiments in the Wuhan lab, admitted that masks are epidemiologically ineffective, and unabashedly swatted down effective early-onset treatments like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.  

Why, you may ask?  Because since before the beginning, the Marvin Gardens of this Pandemic Monopoly board has been:  

Go Directly to Vaccine.  Do Not Pass Go.  Do Collect Your Free Shake Shack Burger and Fries.  

All Hail Fauci!

As these billionaire-owned outlets tuck their arrowhead tails between their hind fetlocks and rescind their censorship aimed at the CCP Virus’ lab origination hypothesis (Strange how the virus can’t survive in sunlight?  Note to Wuhan:  Install more sunroofs in the lab) we are expected to rapidly shake our heads as if to erase a year-long Etch-a-Sketch drawing of wet-market bats randomly sifting upon some unwitting Wuhan commuter. 

Next, we find nary a jot about the Maricopa County forensic audit.  Perhaps, this is because we are still a few months out from censorship rescindment.  Heck, if the Wuhan Lab is now free game, soon also may be Dominion Systems?  If you aren’t aware of this newsworthy item, detox units are standing by.

On cue, revered BLM Inc. co-founder, Patrice Cullors, resigned after coming under scrutiny for not just buying multiple luxury homes for her family, but for failing to approve a single dollar of distribution to victim families, education initiatives, community development, or family services.  

Similarly, Rashard Turner, founder of the St. Paul, Minnesota chapter, also resigned but for far nobler reasons.  In a statement by Turner, he said, “BLM cared little for rebuilding black families and cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis”.  

Upon searching most of the prominent new sources, I could find nothing on this developing story.  However, I did have to scroll through a plethora of tired, emerging articles about new Trump scandals which, at this point, wreaks of a frantic, “Hey, look over here” distraction.

And just when you thought you could count on the cool, collected, even-handed Martin Bashir for a balanced serving of high-brow commentary, he admitted to doctoring up phony bank statements to coerce Princess Diana to conduct the famed interview in 1995 that led to her infamous divorce.  We can expect Marty will get a cushy, swivel seat on an MSNBC show any day now.

If you only watch billionaire-owned news outlets, you may think that the Texas House Democrats walk-out was the noblest of political pioneering.  

Walkout by Democrats in Texas House Keeps Sweeping Voting Restrictions Bill from Passing

~CBS News

“Sweeping voting restrictions”.  For those who have avoided detoxification of the parasitized thought pathogens emitted by our dishonorable legacy media, you would imagine this Texas Bill is the greatest injustice since Women’s Suffrage.  

Seems it wasn’t long ago that here in the United States, schools were closed for Election Day.  One day.  Alas, by leveraging the lab-created pandemic, the era of the 14-hour voting window is a misty memory here in Post-Fauci America.

This fiercely discriminating Texas Bill allows for a two-week voting window.  Two weeks?  No wonder its critics are so incensed!  Who could possibly ink their ballot with such an unreasonable time restriction?

But what are opponents really fuming over?  It is near impossible to know as the provisions of the Bill are quite good.  It bans Drive-thru voting and 24x7 election centers (Note to self, electing a President is not like McDonalds or CVS).  It clearly defines how a voter can and cannot be “Assisted” by a third party while voting.  It details the protocol for dual-party “Watchers” who provide oversight during the tallying phase.  It provides clear descriptions of what shall be considered unlawful behavior and the resulting penalties for fraud.  There are clear voter identification mandates and the disallowance of Ballot Harvesting.

Based on the inconsistencies and anomalies of the 2020 three-ringed election, why would any elected official walk out on a Bill which is aimed at enforcing integrity?  And worse, why are the majority of flatscreen bubbleheads calling this restrictive, discriminating, and even — racist?

One hint may be that our current Commander-in-Brief can’t stop calling our nation the most systemically racist country on the planet.  C’mon, man!

Recently, the notorious author of How to Be an Anti-Racist, Ibram X Kendi was asked the simple question:  Please give us your definition of systemic racism.

He was literally unable to do so.

Biden’s speech in Tulsa this week, which was rightly given for the 100th anniversary of a devastatingly horrific event, would have been a home run — if he gave it in 1921.  

Progressives routinely fail to admit to any awareness of actual progress.

What wonders me is that he and President Obama were in the White House for eight long years, yet we never heard speeches like this.  Yes, there were atrocious racial incidents and killings during that administration — but we never heard this level of amped-up rhetoric against the majority of our country.

Are we to think this turbo-charged resurgence of systemic racism grew like bamboo shoots in just four short years under Orange-man-bad?  Because, if you were dropped from a UFO today and placed in front of cable news for one hour, you would pray to God your alien gills were anything but white.  

“…terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today. Not ISIS, not al Qaeda -- white supremacists”.

~Joe Biden

In the utter absence of a codified definition or description of white supremacy, am I left to believe I am guilty as charged solely because of my melanin?  Should I assume my dear black friends and colleagues render me guilty as well?  

In the next election, Presidential Speech Writers should have to campaign and be voted for.  These unelected, unknown, woke keyboard jockeys are wreaking havoc across our nation and I’m not sure the Teleprompter-Reader-in-Chief even realizes it.

Our populous is besieged by a barrage of lies, deceptions, half-truths, and manipulations as never before seen.  As the Judeo-Christian roots of our country are deracinated at the behest of bereft, perverted billionaires, I fear that most citizens are not even aware.  

In ancient days, it was commonly known that The Lord spoke to the people through the prophets:

“Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets”.

~The Prophet Amos, Old Testament

Please understand, as for me and my family, we know and cherish the will of God for our lives.  But sadly, as more and more people discard that outdated nonsense and exchange it for the far superior, post-modern principles of secularism being pumped into us by nefarious, corporate behemoths, both nature and history reveal the end:  When the root system withers, the tree quickly topples.  

“These spokesmen are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds”.

~The Prophet Jeremiah, Old Testament

It intrigues me how people rigorously dismiss the ancient scriptures, which have been with us for thousands of years, and vehemently mock any faith in God, Who has been I AM for even longer.  Yet, these same opponents of time-tested truth readily invest their unrelenting affections to post-Christian, unscrupulous leaders, authors, politicians, and celebrities in full measure.

I’ve heard it said; wisdom is a truth that never needs to change.

“‘Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number.  So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours’?

The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this”.

~The Wisdom of Solomon

If only our leaders would ask for such a thing.  If only we all would ask for such a thing.

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ

Jesus Freaks


White-aholics Anonymous