Systemic Transgenderism

The Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) has achieved the unimaginable.  In their election of the first biological female transgender man as Bishop, it became the first of they’s kind in the mainline Protestant church.  

The Rev. Dr. Megan Roher, whose preferential pronouns are they/them/their, eked out a victory over gay, biologically male candidate Rev. Jeff Johnson, who lives with his husband and serves as pastor at University Lutheran Chapel in Berkeley, CA.  Note to self:  Berkeley is no longer progressive enough for the progressive left.

Quoting they’s website, “Pastor Megan lives near Golden Gate Park with their wife Laurel, two children and three cats”.  From a denominationally woke perspective, the strangest thing about any of this is them’s three cis-felines identify as heteronormative. 

While I hold no personal judgement toward individuals who are LGBT and cherish my friends who identify as such, I do believe the exclusive uniqueness of the T makes for a radically different coupling on the LGBTQ train.

I also hold great concern for denominations eager to normalize and consecrate a T.  The church, whose pronouns are She/Her/Hers, is inherently imbued with heaven’s bits in order to manifest other-worldliness to this broken, groping world.  When She circuitously adapts and assimilates every thought pathogen this woke-wrought world has to offer — what then distinguishes Her as being divinely equipped or qualified to bestow heaven’s brand of restoration, redemption and healing to anyone?

Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones, But Pronouns Still Will Hurt Me

Have you watched Dave Chapelle’s brilliantly offensive stand-up special, Sticks and Stones?  If you haven’t, I can not in good conscience recommend it. But if you have, you know what I am about to say.  Dave unabashedly bashes every off-limits tripwire set by the progressive left, including a hilarious discourse about the “Alphabet people”;  LGBTQ.  

He raucously, yet insightfully, describes a scene of a car carrying an L, a G, and a B.  Passenger dynamics were generally quite good until — the T enters the cabin.  Let’s just say; T doesn’t stand for Team.

Author Douglas Murray describes how the nascent T in the LGBT nomenclature has entirely decimated decades-long advancements of gay and lesbian rights.  He carefully expounds how the long-fought quest for legal equality had essentially been achieved when suddenly, the burgeoning T movement forced its way onto the LGB train.

He describes the equality train slowly arriving at the desired station, only to suddenly pick up T steam as it crashes down the track with bodies, wreckage and chaos strewn in its woke wake.  At precisely this point, he posits that equality for the minority has ceased to be the aim. When the T came on board, they were no longer satisfied with being equal to, but rather — better than.

Growing, Growing, Gone

Many are asking:  Why has such a small contingent of the populous been handed the loudest bullhorn?  Why is everyone being forced to listen?  And, why is that small demographic staggeringly growing at a geometric rate?

In 2007, there was one Gender Clinic in our country.  Today, there are over 300.  Why the sharp increase?  Ask yourself this question from Econ 101; were these clinics established to catch the increased demand or — to spawn increased supply?

We have over 100 years of gender dysphoria research and data available for reference.  Up until the last ten years or so, the transgender population in the U.S. represented about .01% with the vast majority displaying initial signs in boys ages 2-4.  

Today, U.S. numbers are up 1,000% and U.K. numbers are up over 4,400%.  Quizzically, the trend clearly shows the vast majority of today’s cases are among groups of girlfriends who first present signs of body dysphoria as late as 7th grade or later with no prior history.  Perchance, methinks, something here is awry. 

Gender dysphoria describes the condition of a person who does not feel comfortable in their own body.  It is eerily akin to oikophobia, which is the fear or disdain of being in one’s own home.  

While an extremely small percentage are born with biological anomalies (And I believe these are the people who have been the most disregarded by the impetus of this movement) the majority do not wrestle with hardware issues but rather; this has predominately become a software phenomenon.  Meaning, while the majority of transgender people have the correct biological hardware, they wrestle with feelings and thoughts specific to sex and gender within their otherwise normal body.

Many accredited experts today suppose this rapid onset of gender dysphoria is less attributed to “Born that way” and more driven by social contagions.  In decades past, tomboys and sissy’s were essentially left alone with a resultant of over 70% growing out of the phase.  While the majority grew to be heteronormative, some became gay, and a fractional percentage became transexual.

Today, with criminally concerted effort, at a child’s first hint of questioning their physicality, a well-prepared parade of coercive affirmations marches in from friends, teachers, doctors, social media and most confounding; their own woke parents.  What quickly follows are puberty blockers, hormonal treatments and radical Munchausen-like surgery.

This Ain’t Cross-Dressing

Let's take a quick look into Rev. Megan’s world.  While a school nurse can not give a child Tylenol without parental consent, these same nurses can fast-track elementary-aged students directly to puberty blockers — devoid of parental consent.  Just ask the British Columbia Dad who was put in jail this month for questioning his 13-year-old daughter’s transition. Shut up, bigot.

The Puberty Blocker, Lupron, has not yet garnered FDA approval for such a devilish mission.  Perhaps Big-pharma has secured a Covid-like, emergency distribution provision for the drug in order to double-mask the dysphoric contagions ripping through your child’s pre-pubescent, cubby-holed classroom?

Nearly 100% of children who are given puberty blockers go on to take hormonal drugs.  These hormonal treatments effectively guarantee infertility at a near-perfect rate.  If this is the first time you’ve read such a statement, it may be time to drop cable.

Once puberty has been prevented and years of testosterone have coursed through your daughter’s maturing veins, you will begin to see her stronger jaw, broader nose and five-o-clock shadow.  And no, these results are not reversible once the drugs stop. 

As your girls become indistinguishable from their baby pictures, it’s time to cue the blade-wielding butchers.  “Top Surgery”, or double mastectomy, is the next step in this carefully scripted horror movie.  

Next comes Bottom Surgery, or Phalloplasty.  Let’s spare details except to say; imagine multiple surgeries to first peel off the sensitive outer layer of her forearm to transplant its skin, blood vessels and nerves down to her testosterone-deadened vaginal area.  Imagine the careful construction of a urinary pathway, which rarely is entirely resistant to infection and often sprays instead of streams.  Lastly, envision the implantation of an inflation sack — batteries not included.

If you think I’m being mean, that is not at all my heart or intent.  I know people who are doing this and while it is impossible for me to understand their pain, I do love them.  But when the church elects to blithely normalize all of this by leading people through an unholy Stations of the Lost, I think careful examination and full disclosure is an appropriate and necessary response.  Particularly when today’s societal leaders stifle any practice of careful examination as if to make it extinct.    

Say Her Name

Kiera Bell. Should we raise a non-binary fist, hire attorney Crump, and say her name?  At age 15, Kiera transparently shared feelings of gender dysphoria.  Instead of being met with loving, thoughtful counsel, she was instantly tossed on the conveyor belt of dysphoric mutilation.  If you don’t know who she is, you should immediately perform an audit of your news feeds.  

Not a single adult or health care professional took the time to sit with Kiera to diagnose her condition. No, with transgenderism, the process begins with a conclusion - no counseling or diagnosis required.

After regretting her Top Surgery and despising the effects of her Testosterone Pez Dispenser, Kiera levied legal charges stating her pre-pubescent wishes should have been challenged with greater adult rigor, counsel and wisdom.  She filed a lawsuit and in surprising anti-woke fashion, the U.K. High Court of Justice not only agreed and ruled in her favor — they were horrified to learn the facts of her case.  For Kiera, catastrophically, the damage was irrevocably complete.

Still thinking this is an ocean away?  Here in the U.S., our very own Kindergarten classrooms have frenetically embarked on the same systematic policies.  Our tiny, innocent children are being programmed to reject their birth certificates and reimagine what zeir gender could be.  Our prisons should be filled with these indoctrinators.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a huge millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the open sea.”  


All Systems Go

May I propose that all of this points to a carefully constructed, extremely oppressive structure that has been keenly coordinated and put in place to target a specific minority group?  I will say its name:  Systemic Transgenderism.

Go ahead and acquiesce to the modern-day race hucksters who contort truth to convince you that America is the most systemically racist country on the planet, all the while being thoroughly unable to point to an actual, present-day system or process worth examination.  We are being forced to believe; “It’s just everywhere”. 

As far as I’m concerned, the trans systems currently installed for treatments, procedures and policies comprise a far more advanced systemic scheming.  But to what end?  54% of teens who attempt suicide are trans or non-binary.  What’s worse, the suicide rate does not subside for those who go through surgical mutilations.

Too much information?  Perhaps.  But when a recognized denomination legitimizes a person who embodies such a complex predicament and self-anoints them as an authoritative representative of heaven, I have to ask:  Is this a Christ design or a diversity design?  Please trust me, they are diametrically not at all the same thing.

Christ Affirming

“The Christ story must be the central story around which every other story finds its’ place.  If the Christ story is simply an orbiting proposition, then every other story loses its place and meaning.  But when the Christ story is made central, then every other surrounding story makes sense”.

Theologian, N.T. Wright

It seems quite apparent that while our country’s foundational Christological ethos is being hijacked by a few armed madmen who have stormed the cockpit of truth, the church is losing Her central story as the plane rapidly loses altitude.  

When Jesus spoke about the leaven of the Kingdom, he describes a system that when even the smallest amount is released, it quickly permeates and transforms everything and everyone it comes in contact with.  This is how the Kingdom of God works — once welcomed, it never stops renovating, renewing and redeeming.  While of course, this is the responsibility of every believer who carries resurrection power within their earthen vessel, it is supremely the calling of the church.

When Jesus sternly warns against the deceptive, corrupting power of the political spirit, which is readily being diffused through our culture with devastating effect, the church must stop Tweeting and take heed:

“Beware!  Watch out for the leaven of Herod”.


Does Christ love Dr. Rev. Megan Roher?  Resoundingly, yes.  Does they embody a worthy manifestation of heaven’s culture here on earth which we should all aspire to?  

“I haven’t really figured out how I want to have my body in the rest of my life.”

~Dr. Rev. Megan Roher

Resoundingly, no.

If the church becomes parasitized with wrong-headed thought pathogens, where are we then to look for a future and a hope?  All of these deeply myopic, self-serving, insular social movements launched in the name of equity and inclusion are a direct affront to both a transformational faith and a thriving society. 

At this point in human history, we should be pioneering innovations like eradicating single-serving plastics or colonizing under-sea communities.  Instead, we are cultivating a generation oddly entranced by sexual preferences, gender identity and melanin.  

Our Benevolent Creator has formed and fashioned each one of us from the same mix of earthly and eternal elements.  I sometimes wonder what 2021 looks like from Their vantage (I am using a Trinitarian pronoun purposefully).  

I try to imagine Their reaction as we flap our wings but rarely fly, flap our gums but rarely dispense wisdom, and flap our rainbow flags but never unite. All the while, training surgeons to turn a flap of skin into a penis.

Lord have mercy.  Lord is mercy.

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Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ

White-aholics Anonymous


Jesus Walks into a Bar