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Blog Posts
Personally, I hold to the most glorious of revelations: Life begins before conception.
Innocence Lost
We have taught our children: Their world is not a safe place.
Trail Blazers
Signs and wonders will follow believers as opposed to believers who wonder where’s the signage.
Fear is a Thief
If time is money, has fear made you richer or poorer?
Words Matter
My stomach is wildly unsettled at this point because none of this is pleasing to write about.
Was He Hacked?
Can someone please explain what he’s doing? Here it is…
The Super Woke Bowl?
My older friends will get some of the references. My younger friends will cancel me.
Welcome to St. Wokes
…while woke progressivism tries to shove shards of glass into the god-shaped hole, we suddenly realize the rejection of age-old religious thought has merely been supplanted with a new, photo negative replacement.
Rwanda 3: Francis and Reconciliation
True reconciliation looks like something. True forgiveness looks like something.
Murambi: Rwanda 2
I am deeply concerned at the growing list of labels reflective of the ever burgeoning identitarian collectives which are being used to shuffle and deal us into groups we never signed up to be in. Scrubbing these dreadful labels from our society sounds like a good next step to me.
Tragically, as is the history of many African nations, Rwanda holds a uniquely horrific and cataclysmic legacy of terror and murder on a scale unimaginable and yet - from these ashes and mass grave sites has risen one of the most spectacular volumes of reconciliation the earth has ever seen.
No Apology Needed
This is the ruinous nature of identitarian collectivism: We no longer distinguish individuals responsible for their actions but instead, treat the entire group as homogenous. One virtuous, all virtuous. One guilty, all guilty.
I Hate Yard Signs
Countless stories are being quietly told in low places of those who feel it has become unsafe to state what they believe for fear of losing their job, their online identity or even family and friends.
On Censorship and The Press
Trust little a press that loves the government. Trust not a government that loves the press.
On Censorship and Silencing
Any sentence that begins with, “They have freedom of speech, but…”, never ends in a good place.
On Worship and Unity
Bravo, Big Tech, for creating a bloodless, nonetheless cadaver-rich battlefield history had yet dared to envision. Borders fall to troops of keyboards which release the dreaded impetus to overrun not only a newsfeed, but a nation itself.
The Leaven of the Kingdom
When Jesus says to beware of something, probably best to pay attention.