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Blog Posts
Can Believers Be Divided in Their Beliefs About Donald Trump?
Is the Mind of Christ divided on the topic of the presidency?
A Christian Perspective on Injustice
Lord, why do You force me to witness injustice?
He is preparing His ready writers to go forth as arrows in the Spirit
A National Way of Prayer
Our prayer meetings will lack corporate power and prophetic precision when our prayer closets at home become devoid of our breath or relegated for storage.
Is This Really What Lady Liberty Had in Mind?
Even to an untrained eye, this bears all the markings of a fully functioning, government-sponsored trafficking ring.
America the Beautiful?
God mend thine every flaw.
Without a prophetic vision, the people perish.
A Dark Night of the Soul — Oh Happy Chance!
I avoided this piece for eight long months. But what we learn in the Dark Night is of the greatest worth.
Three Blind Mice
What we are witnessing is the inescapable evolution of the maturation of Cultural Marxism.
A Cultural Genocide
You would do well to resist the turbulent seiches of the anti-biblical revisionists.
Join With 100 Million and Pray for Israel
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May those who love her prosper! Psalm 122:6
Arise and Shine!
To relinquish authority or retreat in fear only permits the enemy to advance.
The Next Jesus Revolution?
Our merciful Lord always parts the sea, calms the storm, and sends revival just in the nick of time.
Revival Testimonies: Do It Again!
This article was commissioned by and written for Intercessors for America
The Dove Has Landed at Asbury University
The Lord starts every revival. But we are the ones who end them.
Revival in the Sex Trade
If it sounds too good to be true, then it must be heaven’s idea.
Glenn Beck’s Prophetic Vision
My attempt to interpret parts of Glenn Beck’s prophetic vision.
Intercessors, It’s Time to Tear Down The Asherah Poles
From an evidentiary standpoint, is the CDC trustworthy anymore?
There is No Common Ground Inside the Sorcerer’s Circle
There is no negotiating table — Only an empty tomb.
Globalism is Dependent Upon Climate Deception
Climate summits are less about warming temperatures and more about cold hard cash.